Sunday, February 7, 2010



An easy way to stop smoking now

This is a stop smoking program to dampen that urge and some ideas on how to stop smoking cigarettes:

I used this personally and to be honest, I found that these ideas along with a new product which I now use has FINALLY BEATEN my cigarette vice for good! I provided a link here and below for those that are interested in truly giving up on smoking cigarettes once and for all. I wish you all the best of luck in this very challenging initiative that you are embarking on. IT DOES SINCERELY WORK!

Quit smoking tips

There are six major coping skills to help you fight the urge of cigarette smoking. These tips to quit smoking are designed for you, the new nonsmoker, to help you nurture the nonsmoking habit.

1. Think about why you quit - Go back to your list of reasons for quitting smoking. Look at this list several times a day - especially when you're hit with an urge to smoke. The best reasons you could have and how to stop smoking now are very personally yours, and these are also your best reasons for staying a nonsmoker.

2. Know when you're rationalizing - It's easy to rationalize yourself back into smoking. Don't talk yourself into smoking again. A new nonsmoker in a tense situation may think, "I'll just have one cigarette to calm myself down." If thoughts like this pop into your head, stop and think again! You know better ways to relax - nonsmokers' ways, such as taking a walk or doing breathing exercises.

Concern about gaining weight may also lead to rationalizations. Learn to counter thoughts such as "I'd rather be thin, even if it means smoking." Remember that a slight weight gain is not likely to endanger your health as much as smoking would (cigarette smokers have about a 70-percent higher rate of premature death than nonsmokers). And review the list of healthy, low-calorie snacks that you used when quitting.

3. Anticipate triggers and prepare to avoid them - By now you know which situations, people, and feelings are likely to tempt you to smoke. Be prepared to meet these triggers head on and counteract them. Keep using the skills that helped you cope in cutting down and finding a way to quit smoking.

Keep your hands busy - doodle, knit, type a letter. Avoid people who smoke; spend more time with nonsmoking friends.

Find activities that make smoking difficult (gardening, washing the car, taking a shower). Exercise to help knock out that urge; it will help you to feel and look good as well.

One way to quit smoking is to put something other than a cigarette in your mouth. Chew sugarless gum or nibble on a carrot, celery stick, fruits, toothpicks or coffee straws.

Avoid places where smoking is permitted. Sit in the nonsmoking section in restaurants, trains, and planes.

Reduce your consumption of alcohol, which often stimulates the desire to smoke. Try to have no more than one or two drinks at a party. Better yet, have a glass of juice, soda, or mineral water with a celery stick to nibble on.

4. Look to friends and family for encouragement for your stop smoking help. Ask about others they now and the effects cigarettes have had on their family and some ideas on how to quit smoking.

5. Reward yourself for not smoking - Congratulations are in order each time you get through the day without smoking. After a week, give yourself a pat on the back and a reward of some kind.

6. There are also some excellent time proven and group surveyed products available such as free stop smoking aid, electronic cigarette, mini electronic cigarette and several quit smoking products that are available via free trials with no obligations.

After trying several of these products such as pills and gums, I quit smoking cigarettes after 10 years using I quit smoking cigarettes after 10 years using a new electronic cigarette that doesn’t contain tobacco, nicotine, tar or over 4000 chemicals or carcinogens. It has a real tobacco flavor and look and feel and no more smoke smell on my clothes, in my home or my vehicle either! You can research this proven product that FINALLY HAS WORKED for me (click here)!

Please watch this short video.

The above tips and ideas are some of the free quit smoking opportunities that you can put into practice in your daily routines and beat this vice of many that we all have in our lives. May god bless you and your family in your success!

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